불구 발육부전 영어로
- value voter
- abortment
- abortion
- 불구: 불구 [不具]1 [신체 일부의 기능
- 발육부전의: failed; miscarrying; stamen; misborn; abortive; stillborn; unsuccessful; sterile; fruitless; abortional
- 발육부진전: undergrowth; underwood
- 발육 부전의: aborted
- 육부: 육부 [六腑] the six internal organs.
- 발육: 발육 [發育] growth; development; progress. ~이 늦은 아이 a retarded child. ~이 빠르다[늦다] grow rapidly[slowly]. ~이 좋다 be well grown. ~(상태)이 나쁘다 be undergrown / be underdeveloped. ~을 방해하다 check the growth / arre
- 불구: 불구 [不具]1 [신체 일부의 기능 마비나 기형 상태] deformity; malformation; abnormity; disablement. ~의 deformed / malformed / maimed / crippled / lame / [자유롭지 못한] disabled / (얼굴이) disfigured. ~가 되어 be deformed[crippled
- 부전: 부전 [不全] imperfection; incompletion. ~의 [불완전한] incomplete / imperfect / [부분적인] partial. 발육 ~ underdevelopment / undergrowth. 발육 ~의 개 an undergrown dog.▷ 부전 마비 partial paralysis; paresis.부전 [不戰] renun
- 교육부: 교육부 [敎育部] the Ministry of Education; the Education Ministry. ~ 검정필 approved by the Ministry of Education.▷ 교육부 장관 the Minister of Education; the Education Minister.
- 체육부: Ministry of Sports
- 발육 정지: abortion
- 발육 촉진: forcing
- 발육기: period of development
- 불구르: Bulgur
- 불구의: deform; malshapen; monsterlike; malformed; obzocky; deformed; misshapen